Listed below is a selection of completed Traction Engine Projects to showcase to show you what can be done with our products
Wilesco Steam Roller
This has been upgraded with gas firing with a Bix Burner.
Home built Bunker and Tender.
The Canopy was a cut down one from a Mamod Traction Engine.
Along with one of our Steam Roller Smokebox Kits and Cylinder detail sets.
Other details fitted - Regulator control, Replacement Steering Wheel, and Fire Iron Set.
Wilesco Traction Engine
This has been upgraded with gas firing with a Bix Burner.
Home built Bunker and Tender.
Along with one of our Smokebox Kits and Cylinder detail sets.
Other details fitted - Regulator control, Replacement Steering Wheel, and Fire Iron Set.
Yer Tiz
This is a scratch built Traction Engine utilising a Wilesco Cylinder Set with our Cylinder Detail Kit.
Meccano Gears with a 40 : 1 reduction for the final drive
Wilesco Rear Rims with Mamod Rear Wheels fitted inside.
Scratch built Boiler with circulating water tubes running at 40 psi.
Gas fired with the gas Tank mounted under the Boiler as a dummy water tank.
This is fitted with a fully detailed Footplate including Dummy Firebox back head with opening fire hole door, Dummy injectors and clacks
Wilesco Traction Engine Mollie
This was a rebuild for one of our long standing customers - we modified the tender to give a cut out for the step access and added in a coal space, on top of this we built a tool storage locker for oil cans, the engine had one of our smokeboxes fitted along with a cylinder detail kit, the boiler was insulated with ceramic matting and boiler cladding sheets made along with boiler bands fitted.
A replacement whistle was fitted along with one of our regulator sets
Finished off in Humbrol Grey No5
Willesco Showmans Engine Amanda
This project started off as a simple repaint but soon setted into a rebuild, making a better looking dynamo housing and perch bracket along with a new tender / footplate for the gas bottle, new canopy alonmg with twisted brass canopy supports, replacing the smokebox and front axle rebuild of the rear wheels useing mamod wheels along with other detail parts, including the cylinder detail set.
Finally finished off in showmans livery with canopy lettering